拭いただけでは取れない汚れを落とす。お手入れの方法について その3
How to take care of the product Part 3
Photo by David Travis on Unsplash
シルバーの変色と上手に付き合う。お手入れの方法について その1では、普段の身に付けた後のお手入れ方法についてご紹介しました。
In Part 1, I introduced how to care for your jewelry after wearing it on a daily basis.
また、シルバーの変色を防ぐ。お手入れの方法について その2では保管方法についてご紹介しました。
In Part 3, I will show you how to care for stains that cannot be removed by simply wiping.
お手入れ方法 その3では、拭いただけでは取れない汚れ等のお手入れ方法についてご紹介します。
In Part 3, I will show you how to care for stains that cannot be removed by simply wiping.
I hope you will find this information useful.
● お湯洗い
Wash with hot water
● お湯に食器用洗剤などの中性洗剤を少し入れたものに浸して洗い、すすぐ
Soak the jewelry in hot water with a little dishwashing detergent or other neutral detergent, wash, and rinse.
● アクセサリーを水に浸け、重曹をつけて指でこすった後、水やお湯でよくすすぐ(重曹+水で発生する炭酸が汚れを浮かします)
Soak the jewelry in water, dip it in baking soda, rub it with your fingers, and then rinse well with water or hot water.
(The carbonic acid produced by the baking soda and water will lift the stain.)
● シルバークロス(研磨剤付きの布)でから拭きする
Wipe with a silver cloth (cloth with abrasive)(If polish residue remains, rinse with hot water or wipe with a soft cloth.)
● クリームタイプのクリーナー(シルバーポリッシュ、コンパウンドなど)をティッシュや柔らかい布などに少量取って表面を拭うようにして磨いた後、お湯などで洗ったり、柔らかい布で拭く
Take a small amount of cream-type cleaner (silver polish, compound, etc.) on a tissue or soft cloth and polish by wiping the surface, then wash with hot water, etc. or wipe with a soft cloth.
● 液体クリーナーに漬け置きした後、水やお湯でよくすすぐ
Rinse well with water or hot water after soaking in liquid cleaner.
When using a silver cloth or abrasive cream, be careful not to use it on new items or to over-polish them, as the polish marks may be bothersome.
As liquid cleaner is an acidic solution, please avoid prolonged soaking.
Also, please note that it reacts with other metals and natural stones.
If it gets on skin, it may cause skin irritation, so please read the instruction manual carefully before use.
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