Does the design fit your fingers?
Photo by Ellie Eshaghi on Unsplash
I received a consultation from a customer who said, “I have large hands, so a voluminous ring would suit me better, but it’s hard to find a design in silver”.
I also think that most silver rings for women are especially slender in design, while the larger ones are lumpy and mainly for men.
If you have large hands and wear a ring with a slender design, your hands will look very tight and larger, and both the ring and your hands may look faded.
I understand that slender designs are popular because they are pretty and make you feel feminine, but I don’t think that you have to have a slender design to feel feminine.
Even hands have their own individuality, and it is possible to make them look feminine by designing a ring that matches that individuality.
I are happy to consult with you on the design of not only rings, but also jewelry in general.
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